Rosemarie Smith

Coldwell Banker Realty
Agent License # ​RES.0804233
Speaks English
10 Years of Experience
35 Transactions in Last 12 Months

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Specialties: Relocation, Investors, Multi-Unit, Waterfront Homes
Certifications & Awards: Coldwell Banker President's Club- Team Level, CB Diamond Society, CB Sterling Society
Hiring a real estate professional to help you with your housing needs is the first and most important step in the real estate transaction process, whether you are selling, buying, or investing. This is not some simple transaction. This is a moment you will never forget, a life changing decision, a new chapter, and one that requires someone special by your side that will rise to the occasion with your best interests at heart. Rosemarie Smith, for the last 15 years, has been that person in the real estate industry throughout Connecticut. After many years in different aspects of the real estate profession including selling, buying, asset management and building investor portfolios, she has spent the last few years with Coldwell Banker where she has reached “Diamond Society” status which is a special designation only assigned to top-producing agents in all Colwell Banker offices throughout the world, not just the US. These credentials clearly indicate she knows how to close a deal, the most important factor in a real estate transaction. But if you were to ask her, the most important factor to her is the relationships she has built with past and current clients, and the relationship she looks forward to building with you. Knowing she has the resume as one of the best agents available, it’s also good to know she values the relationship that is built between herself and her clients. Because a real estate deal is like going on a trip together, with many ups and downs, and you not only want someone with the credentials she has, but you need her to hold your hand during the process and that is where she thrives. She is a calming influence with a healthy reputation in the industry so other agents, attorneys, appraisers, home inspectors all have the upmost respect for her. She has done it long enough. She is without question good enough. And she will not only make sure you get to the closing table with a smile on your face, but you will have built a relationship with someone that will last much longer than the closing date. That’s because she cares. When your real estate agent cares, they are always looking out for your best interests, and that builds trust, and will get you what you want. You will never regret having chosen Rosemarie Smith to help you in any of your real estate needs. Give her a call today and feel the instant connection with this seasoned professional.

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