Kristin Lindsey

Kristin Lindsey - REALTOR
Agent License # EI100050244
Speaks English
10 Years of Experience
12 Transactions in Last 12 Months
$0 - $10M+ Price Range

More About Kristin Lindsey

Specialties: Fine/Luxury Homes, 1031 Exchange, Investors, Commercial
Kristin Lindsey, Broker & Realtor, has a great passion for her industry. She has always been honest, straight forward, ethical, yet compassionate, this approach to life has benefited her greatly in real estate. Kristin’s clients know they can count on her to take care of them, and that she is there looking out for their best interests throughout the entire process.
Before going into real estate Kristin spent most of her career working in the ag industry where she gained a wide array of knowledge in accounting, farming, machinery and cattle. After ending a 10 year career at the local John Deere dealership Kristin began training in the field of Home Staging and Redesign and earned her certificate in 2014. That same year Kristin decided to get her real estate license and become and Associate Broker.
Now, most of Kristin’s days are spent working with her amazing clients, staging homes, reading over home inspection reports, viewing homes, negotiating contracts, putting a SOLD sign on a lawn or passing keys over to ecstatic new home owners. At the end of a long day she is proud to say that she gets to go home to her super supportive husband.
Kristin considers herself blessed to call this beautiful state her home for her entire life. Growing up in Colorado she has always considered herself a country girl. Riding horses, playing in the dirt (gardening) and shooting targets are a few of her favorite activities. When it’s time to slow down and relax, Kristin, along with her husband, head to the mountains for camping, hiking and fishing from their kayaks.

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