Lori Horcos

Arizona Legends Realty
Agent License # BR567769000
Speaks English
5 Years of Experience
12 Transactions in Last 12 Months
$250K - $1.5M Price Range

Lori Horcos's Featured Transactions

More About Lori Horcos

As an Arizona licensed BrokerĀ®, Lori provides strategic marketing and transaction management services for her clients in the Wickenburg and surrounding rural areas of Wickenburg, Congress, Aguila, Morristown, Wittmann, Yarnell & Peeples Valley. As a 23-year Wickenburg resident, her knowledge of the town, can assist you with your Real Estate endeavors.

Lori graduated from the University of Utah with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Finance. Career achievements include 10 years as a Controller for a Hotel Management Company managing eight different properties across the United States, and 13 years in the real estate industry providing marketing, transaction management, and property management services for top Realtors in the Wickenburg market. Because of this extensive business/real estate background, she has learned the importance of organization, communication, and service. These skills are used in providing exceptional service to her Real Estate and Property Management clients.

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