Hilary Herman

Realty ONE Group Prestige
Agent License # 20121447
Speaks English
8 Years of Experience
14 Transactions in Last 12 Months
$450K - $10M+ Price Range

Hilary Herman's Featured Transactions

More About Hilary Herman

Your North Coast Real Estate Professional! As your Real Estate Agent I will act as your local expert, trusted adviser, skilled negotiator, and guide throughout the buying, and/or selling process - and beyond! I am passionate about helping you navigate the sale, or purchase of a property with ease, and will work tirelessly on your behalf to facilitate a smooth transaction. Your best interests are always first and foremost, so it is incredibly important to me to develop an understanding of your unique needs, desires, and situation so that together we can produce the very best possible outcome for you - we will become a team and collaboration will be key. I have the experience, proven results, and passion necessary to help you succeed. I am also a parent, a United States Coast Guard Veteran, and have lived from one end of the north coast to the other so I have a wealth of information to share about the unique cultures, amenities, and nuances of the area. I assist both Buyers, and Sellers from Astoria to Manzanita, and would love nothing more than to be of assistance to you. At the end of every transaction, my greatest reward is seeing my clients full of joy - I couldn’t ask for more!

Buyers / Sellers / Relocation / Vacation Homes / 1031 Exchanges / Probate / Tenant Occupied / Veterans

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